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Hotel s bazénom v horách

Hotel s bazénom v horách: naši hostia môžu v cene ubytovania využívať očarujúcu wellness zónu. Medzi atrakciami nájdete bazén, vírivku, fitness miestnosť, parný kúpeľ a saunu. K tomu aj detskú herňu a relaxačnú zónu.

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Bazénová zóna v cene

Objavte náš bazén – ideálne miesto na chvíľu odpočinku alebo aktívny oddych. Každý deň od 8:00 do 21:00 môžete využívať krytý bazén dostupný iba pre hostí hotela s krištáľovo čistou vodou. To vám umožní ponoriť sa do relaxu, bez ohľadu na počasie. Po plávaní si oddýchnite na pohodlných ležadlách v relaxačnej zóne alebo si užívajte chvíle pokoja pri panoramatickom výhľade na okolitú prírodu. Náš bazén je vynikajúcou voľbou pre milovníkov aktivít, ale aj pre tých, ktorí hľadajú vyrovnanie a pokoj.

Pozri si, ako vyzerá náš bazén s miestom na relaxáciu:

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Definitely recommend a stay. The staff was friendly and helpful, the location great and the rooms well equipped and of a very decent size. And if you have kids, they will very much enjoy the two kid's rooms the hotel has to offer. Will definitely stay again.

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Incredible breakfast with wide variety of food - fruit, breads, vegetables, meat, fish, freshly cooked omelettes to your specifications, desserts. A truly wonderful selection of delicious food. Lovely swimming pool with hot tub, steam room and sauna and plenty of space to relax. Children's play area indoor and out. Table tennis table. Lovely hotel and really friendly, helpful staff.

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Hotel is near the main city attractions, walking distance to restaurants and shopping, has a beautiful pool and spa area, rooms are very clean, have nice decor. Great breakfast. Staff is very polite and friendly.

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Excellent location right next to the Vistula river, you can go bathing literally in front of the side gate to the hotel. Great breakfast. Lots of shady parking spots. Good prices in the hotel bar. The staff was nice and got us a baby bathtub, which was very helpful.

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The staff was very nice and helpful. The waiter in the hotel restaurant was very attentive and was amking sure my evening was spot on. The kids area is situated very nicely next to the pool so it's possible to kind of have an eye on your kid while relaxing by the pool and not hearing the kids noise as yoi are seperated by a glass wall. The location of the hotel was great and I liked a diversity and quality of the choice at breakfast.

Aké pobytové balíčky sú spojené s bazénom?

Day Spa in Beskidy

Take a break from the daily hustle and immerse yourself in a world of harmony and relaxation, where every moment is dedicated to your well-being. Spend a wonderful day in a charming location by the Vistula River, combining the wellness zone, treatments at Platinum SPA, and fine dining at the Artemida restaurant.

Zistiť viac

Bachelorette Party at the Spa

Discover the offer of Hotel Olympic Wellness & SPA and celebrate in a wonderful setting with a pool, spa, jacuzzi, sauna, relaxation zone, and exquisite cuisine! All in a charming location right by the Vistula River.

Zistiť viac

Romantic getaway in Beskidy

Two packages to choose from at a spa hotel in the mountains. A wonderful location right by the Vistula River, with a pool, spa, jacuzzi, fitness, and bowling – the perfect place for a romantic weekend!

Zistiť viac

Pozri si, aké izby máme v našej ponuke

Objav jedinečnú ponuku izieb v hoteli Olympic, kde sa komfort, elegancia a útulná atmosféra spájajú v dokonalej harmónii. Vyber si priestor prispôsobený tvojim potrebám a užívaj si relax v srdci Beskýd.

Objav naše izby
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